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Treasury Products

I. CDB (Certificate of Deposit)
CDB is a financial instrument issued by banks of which rate level and tenors are flexible. Early redemption by the client is possible but has to be negotiated with the bank. Possible rate types include: fixed, floating and inflation. It usually has low risk, high returns and good liquidity.

II. Foreign Exchange
In compliance with Brazilian regulatory demands, ICBC Brazil provide foreign exchange between Real and other foreign currencies under capital account and current account (including trade and service), including the purchase and sale of Real.

The NDF is one of the most used derivative instruments to mitigate FX exposure.

The client can quote NDF prices with ICBC Brazil. On maturity date the financial settlement is determined by the official exchange rate (PTAX) published by the Central Bank (BACEN). This rate is the average calculated on D -1 and used for settlements on D -0. There is no physical currency delivery.

IV. Foreign Exchange of RMB
In compliance with Brazilian regulatory demands, ICBC Brazil provide foreign exchange between RMB and other foreign currencies under capital account and current account (including trade and service), including the purchase and sale of RMB.

V. Offshore, Swap and NDF of RMB
For financial transactions and trade finance in RMB, as well as other main currencies, ICBC Brazil can provide quotes for swaps, NDFs and other derivatives through its Hong Kong, Singapore and other offshore branches.